
Unexpected Progress in the House

MOMocrats Season 12 Episode 13

The 118th Congress has been incredibly useless, getting little done besides booting out their first Speaker and vying for attention on Fox News. On last week's podcast, MOMocrats Karoli, Aliza Worthington, and Donna Schwartz Mills were incredulous that they were about to spend valuable time debating bills around household appliances (i.e.,"the Liberty in Laundry Act," "the Refrigerator Freedom Act," etc.) But to everyone's surprise, Speaker Mike Johnson (with help from Democrats) got long-stalled foreign aid bills teed up for a vote next week. The MOMocrats talked about the unexpected progress. And they could not help but talk about Donald Trump's criminal trial in New York.

MOMocrats MOMochat is part of the Demcast family of podcasts.

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